Friday, April 26, 2019

Greene and Greene Stereo Cabinet - Genesis

For some time I've been wanting a dictionary stand of some sort to keep my big unabridged dictionary handy for occasional use.  At the same time, I've been needing to replace an old stereo cabinet that was originally built to store a bunch of vinyl LPs that have long since been replaced by CDs and digital music files.

My first thought was to combine the book stand and the stereo cabinet into a single unit, but I couldn't come up with a good way to integrate a tilting support for the dictionary with the rest of the cabinet.  So I decided to punt by making the stereo cabinet about the right height to support a separate book rack (to be built later) that will just sit on top.

Having built a copy of Darrel Peart's Aurora Nightstand and an almost-copy of his Rafter Tail Table, I wanted to make the stereo cabinet in the Greene and Greene style.  After way too much time fooling around with SketchUp, I settled on this:

The three drawers at the bottom are for CDs and miscellaneous junk.  The two doors at the top open to reveal the stereo itself: a CD player that sits on the shelf immediately above the topmost drawer, and a receiver that sits on its own shelf above the CD player.  The tray at the very top holds a laptop computer for playing digital audio files.  I'll normally operate the laptop remotely from a separate computer, but its tray slides out in case I need to access it directly.

You may grab a copy of the SketchUp file here if you're so inclined.

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